17. January 2025

Joint R&D project for n-dopants approved

Portrait von Dr. Marcus Papmeyer

Dr. Marcus Papmeyer

Head of Chemistry

We are excited to announce the approval of a joint R&D project in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS and the Institute for Applied Physics, Dresden. With financial support of about €1.8 million from the European Union and the state of Saxony, this initiative aims to develop novel n-dopants for OLED and OPV technologies.

For applications in organic electronics, high-performance n-dopants are crucial for minimizing voltage losses and increasing power efficiency. This project aims to develop and test new substance classes that manage the challenging balancing act between high doping strength and stability in mass production in order to accelerate the spread of sustainable organic photovoltaics, organic sensors and energy-efficient OLED displays.

The funding project starts in January 2025 and lasts for three years.

Funded by saxony taxes